Did you know Beyonce got her children’s name trademarked? Even ‘Blank space’ singer Taylor Swift has her name trademarked!
But why? Why do artists trademark their names? Or in Beyonce’s case, her kids? After all, what’s in the name, right?
Well, as it turns out, a lot!
Your name is not just your identity but a proof of authenticity, opulence and value. When you find a store named ‘Beyonce’ or ‘Beiber’ or ‘Taylor Swift’, you might walk into that store thinking that it offers products by these legendary artists. Now, what if, in fact, this store you walked in, did not belong to Beyonce but only used her name to sell their products?

That’s why artists should Trademark their names!
Years of hard work, labour and efforts to build a community, a fan base, a huge following and someone else takes advantage of it? That’s pretty unfair. So, what do you do? You get your name Trademarked. Here are three reasons why-
1. Prevent Malice: To prevent fraudsters from taking undue advantage, you must register your name as a trademark.
2. Authenticity: You can offer authentic, genuine products to your fans that others can’t. Having them deceived by others with fake products is something that can be controlled.
3. Domain name, social media: You can use it in the future to have your own website for your merchandise. You can prevent people from creating a fake profile of you. You should be the one sending out cease and desist notices.

What does Trademark Registration Offer You?
With registration, you are conferred with certain privileges, such as:
1. You have an exclusive right over your name
2. Nobody else can use your name for their brand or line of products or services
3. You can prevent malicious use of your name
4. You can sue anybody who uses your name without your permission and consent
With such benefits and advantages, you must consider getting it registered before anybody else. Finally, why Beyonce got her children’s name trademark- because she wanted to avoid people using her children’s name to sell their products. You see, in the presence of social media, we are obsessed with celebrities and their children. No one should take undue advantage of our obsession though, right?!