
What makes your business eligible for a Trademark

A trademark is the unique legal name of your product or business. If you don’t register it, considering it an unnecessary hassle, your customers might be tempted away by rivals. This is where you should start thinking about your business name registration.


Trademark provides essential legal protection to your business; hence you must know the basic requirements for trademarking your business’s name. If you feel the requirements are fulfilled, you may navigate the GCS Global Brands website to check if your trademark is available. Here you can submit an enquiry and one of our trademark experts will be happy to have a chat to discuss which solutions will work best for you.



1. Name
2. Logo
3. sign
4. Audio
5. Picture
6. A mixture of the above or, in fact, anything that can be represented graphically and has unique characteristics.


To be eligible for registration of a new mark,

1. Your business name, logo, or audio must show unique characteristics. A unique and distinctive name, sign, or logo recognizes the business and is a reason for its registration. Descriptive names such as milk for all kinds of milk products or shoes for all types of shoes are too generic, so they should be avoided,
2. It must not contain offensive content, sign, or imagery,
3. Misleading words, such as the word `organic,` is used for a product that is made up of chemicals,
4. A three-dimensional shape directly depicts the goods, such as the shape of an egg for the egg business.
5. A mark that resembles a flag, state symbol, or hallmark is not eligible under World Intellectual Property Organization guidelines. The mark to be eligible must not contain offensive content.

If you are using a mark for years, that alone makes you eligible for registration even if it was not registrable when new.


To start your trademark search, navigate the GCS Global Brands website to check if your trademark is available. Here you can submit an enquiry and one of our trademark experts will be happy to have a chat to discuss which solutions will work best for you.

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