
What is a Trademark, and how to file an Trademark application

All over the world, businesses are offering various products and services. However, given the sheer number of brands that can exist within a particular industry, it becomes necessary to differentiate these businesses to make it easier for consumers to identify their preferred goods and services.


Trademarks are, therefore, necessary in today’s world. So what are trademarks?


What are Trademarks?

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, sign, or a combination of marks that identifies an enterprise’s goods and services. These marks help distinguish the goods and services of one business from others. Once a word/symbol is trademarked, other enterprises within the same line of business are prevented from using the same word/trademark. This way, trademarks reduce the likelihood that a customer would mistake a brand’s goods and services for another.


How to File a Trademark Application?

A typical trademark application in the UK would go through the following stages:


Trademark Search: The first step is to check whether the intended trademark is available. . To start your trademark search, navigate the GCS Global Brands website to check if your trademark is available. Here you can submit an enquiry and one of our trademark experts will be happy to have a chat to discuss which solutions will work best for you.


Application Filing: Once our trademark expert confirms the mark in question is eligible, an application can be filed.  The application requires details of the intended trademark, the personal/company details of the intended owner, and the type of goods and services for which the trademark is intended.


Trademark Examination: The filed application is then checked by the Trademark Examiner on various grounds such as distinctiveness and similarity with existing trademarks. Where necessary, the examiner may ask additional questions. If an examination object is raised, the applicant would be provided a period to respond.


Publication: Once the examination is completed, the trademark application is published in the online Trade Mark Journal. After publication, other brands are provided two months to raise opposition against the filed mark(s). Where opposition is raised, you can provide reasons and proof as to why your application should be approved. It is, however, more likely that opposition would be resolved amicably.


Final Registration: Once the application scales through the opposition stage, if any, it can be fully approved and registered.


At GCS Global Brands we receive thousands of trademark applications. The truth is, many trademark applications are denied, therefore it is imperative to ensure your mark is filed entirely fit for purpose and enforced effectively.

It is far cheaper and more effective to register your trademark today than to try to fight someone over it later. Think of it as an insurance policy – you may not have needed it, but you are absolutely relieved when the accident happens.


Calculate the price of a trademark registration using our online trademark fee calculator price tool


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