Logo Brand

Check if your trademark is available !

  • Over 10,000

    Over 10,000

    Customers from more than a decade in Business

  • 170 Countries

    170 Countries

    File Trademark in over 170 Countries

  •  9 Out of 10

    9 Out of 10

    Customers Recommend our Services

  • Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guarantee

    100% Customer Satisfaction is our goal

Get your Registered Trademark in just 3 steps

  • Search for Availability

    Search for Availability

    Check to see if your trademark is already being used.

  • Over 10,000

    Answer a Few Questions

    Fill out our simple questionnaire to begin the registeration Process

  • Over 10,000

    Application Filling

    Your Application will be filed with the U.S. Patient and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Why Choose GCS Global brands

  • Search for Availability


    Easy and Quick application to begin the registration Process

  • Over 10,000


    Our legal team handles the application process quickly and efficiently

  • Over 10,000

    Value for Money

    Our technical solutions enable us to keep our prices low while still providing a quality service


Sign up in less than 30 seconds. Try out 7 days risk free trial Upgrade at anytime, no question, no hassle

  • Global IP Management



    • Full Global Monitoring and Reporting.
    • From £260 per annum, per mark.
    • Eligibility Checks.
    • Full IP Portfolio Management.
  • UK Registration



    • Application
    • Advanced search
    • Registration in 3 classes
    • Monitoring your brand and detailed reports
  • Best Selling Package

    Uk + EU


    • Application
    • Advanced search
    • Register in UK and 27 EU Countries
    • Registration in 3 classes
    • Monitoring your brand and detailed reports
  • USA Registration



    • Application
    • Advanced search
    • Registration in 1 classes
    • Monitoring your brand and detailed reports
  • Global IP Services



    • Legal Correspondence
    • Licensing Agreements
    • Cease & Desist
    • Oppositions
    • Responses to Patent & Trademark Office
    • Appeals
    • Company Formations & Holding Companies

Get your Trademark Today !

Sign up now and get protection for your Brand